I add some great impressions of the Stonehenge / Brighton an London-Trip to the travel gallery section (ENGLAND).
July 2015: Photos of fabulous Plovdiv & BULGARIA are now online!
May 2015: I add some fotos of the beautiful city of HELSINKI (FINLAND) to the travel-Galleries!
March/2015: Impressions of the beautiful "BASQUE COUNTRY" (Spain) are now online!
January 2015: I add some Barcelona fotos to the Travel-Galleries!
Dezember 2014:
I've just finished the upload of the photo-tour to the famous National Parks of the US
Please have a look at amazing landscapes and stunning sites:
After some weekends of traveling and a short summer break I´m glad to present you the NEW GALLERY:
- a trip to a different world!
Have a good time!
DN, August 2012